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Monday 30 January 2012

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Soap

This is a super, exfoliating, moisturising, long lasting 6 oz. bar that will wake you up, shake you up and send you off to your busy day feeling great.  This is a super fatted soap with a very fine grind of arabica's best coffee as an exfoliant - it's even Fair Trade!  And yes, that is a Rooster

Ingredients:  Everything that is in my basic soaps, PLUS Shea Butter, Super Fine Ground Arabica Bean, Loofah Fibres, Vegetable Beatains, Vit. E. Coffee, Vanilla & Chocolate Fragrance Oils

$ 6.00

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Recently tried this soap- it smells great, and the coffee grinds are a great exfoliant! Great soap, Jill :)