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Thursday, 9 June 2011

Welcome to Herbal Musings at Franklin Farms

When I tell people I am an Herbalist, they often look at me like I've sprouted horns. I don't know why, it is a noble craft, full of history and tradition, full of life and green growing things that restore health and vitality. Through the ages, herbalistist have been village healers, spritiual guides and teachers, admired, respected and sometimes persecuted and feared. Some people think I am a witch – I am not, just a person who looks to the plant world to maintain and restore health, who loves her gardens and treasures the peaceful hours she spends in them..

In this section, you will find information about different herbs and their uses, recipes, both culinary and medicinal, explanations of terms often used in both the natural and allopathic medical worlds and answer, to the best of my knowledge, questions sent to me.

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