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Jill makes many herbal products, including all natural creams and lotions, herbal teas and tinctures, handmade soaps, bath salts and massage oils, insect repellant and no salt/msg seasonings as well as preserves and pickles.

If you want more information regarding a certain product enter the following categories into the search engine and all of them will come up for your perusal.  Click on the link and you will also get a photo.

Soaps        Herbal Body Products     Herbs      Seasonings        Facial Products     Creams & Lotions

Medicinals           Fragrance chart

See our product lists.

Download our Flyer 

This year, we are specializing in Gourmet Lettuces, Heritage Tomatoes and Peppers.  Other fruits and veggies will be available from  local farms.  Jill will also be holding "Garden Side Talks," hopefully on a weekly basis starting in June.  A list of topics and dates to follow soon.

We are hoping to expand the Rose Garden and add a Cut flower Garden.  By the end of June (and maybe sooner with the new greenhouse fresh cut bouquets will be available to grace you home and office, (no dyed flowers!).  With about 30 highly fragrant types of 22 different rose species, we hope to distill our own rosewater and infuse our own signature massage and body oil.

The store is open Thursday, noon - 6pm, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am -6 pm. Jill's new workshop is open to visitors, so if you are curious about how herbal products are made, seasonings, creams, lotions etc, or would like to know more about Square Foot Gardening, specific herbs or just to check out the gardens please stop by.
See our  product lists.
1453 Fleetwood Rd, Bethany.  705-277-9800.