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Saturday, 23 July 2011

Sprain? Strain? Pain! Herbal Oil Treatment Helps!

Sprain Remedy Treatment Testimonial

Sprain, strain or any pain-you want the pain to stop. One of our Facebook friends just sent in this lovely letter, and I wanted to share it with you:
Franklin Farm Herbals-Your Herbal Remedy Works!

Jill, your herbal skills amaze me! 
Earlier this year,  my shoulder was in incredible agony- nothing I tried worked to get rid of the pain-not even shots of pain killers from the doctor.
I spotted you mentioning on Facebook, that you were making a batch of sprain and strain oil. I had never tried herbal products. I was sceptical, but desperate to try anything that might even bring a little relief. 

My scepticism increased when I first tried Farnklin Farm Herbals Strain and Sprain Oil.
When I opened the bottle, I was surprised that it smelled nothing like any strain or sprain lineament I had ever tried. Your sprain and strain oil wasn't stinky, nor minty- your sprain oil smelled delicious! In fact so delicious, my daughter asked it was edible! 

Doubting something smelling this good would work, I rubbed Frankiln Farm Strain Oil on- thinking it certainly couldn't make things worse. To my surprise it felt nothing like the over the counter sprain rubs I'd been trying to use to get rid of the pain -thee was no heat, no tingling, well-really nothing. My scepticism increased -how could this help my pain, when even shots of pain killers hadn't touched it? I went to bed resigning myself to another night of agony, and gradually drifted off to sleep.

Franklin Farm Herbals Sprain Remedy Oil Surprised Me!
When I woke up, I unconsciously stretched -something I hadn't done in days! Surprised , I looked at my left shoulder raised above my head. Sure my shoulder was still a little stiff, and sore-but nothing like it had been the night before. Your herbal sprain oil worked! In two days, my shoulder was as good as new again - no pain,no stiffness! Plus I still had almost a full bottle left. What a difference compared to all the money I had put out in pills and rubs before finding your wonderful strain remedy.

Thank you Jill, for making such a wonderful product, Franklin Farm Herbals Strain and Sprain Oil is like magic for a person in pain. I'm telling everyone now about your Franklin Farm Herbals Strain and Sprain oil!

Suzanne S., Omemee, Ontario

About Franklin Farm Herbals Strain and Sprain Oil
Franklin Farm Herbals Strain and Sprain Oil contains Arnica, St. John's Wort, and Capsicum infused oils with essential oils of Wintergreen and Rosemary. My husband also finds this oil really helps his back. What I like best about being an herbalist is being able to help people. Everyone's pain is different, and I make no guarantees that my Strain and Sprain Oil will give all people the same results. All I can say is try it, and let me know how it works for you.

STRAIN and SPRAIN OIL 6. Oz. 10.00
- Arnica, St. John’s Wort and Capsicum infused oils with essential oils of Wintergreen and Rosemary

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