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Friday, 18 May 2012

Fresh Today - Sorrel, Chives, Apple Mint, Asperagus, Rhubarb

Today's special herb is Sorrel, largely under rated, this lemony flavoured herb is excellent in a mixed green salad.  Full of vitamins C, A and B9, plus minerals Iron, Calcium and Magnesium, this herb should be on every table.

Easy BBQ or Oven Fish with Sorrel

Oil a piece of foil or a casserole dish big enough to cover your fish fillets.
Line with Fresh Sorrel
Lay Fish fillets's on top
Sprinkle with fresh pepper, a little chopped garlic and chives
Drizzle with Olive Oil
Cover with more Sorrel
Wrap Fillets for BBQ or cover casserole dish with foil.
(This is also a nice way to do boneless, skinless chicken breasts)

BBQ over hot coals or bake in oven at 375
White wine can also be sprinkled over the fish with the olive oil if preferred

Do you enjoy Mojitos?  Muddle them up with Apple Mint for a signature cocktail!

That's it for today, - Enjoy!

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