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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Spring is almost back and so am I!!

If what I say resonates with you, it is merely
because we are both branches on the same tree.
-  W. B . Yeats 

In my first Blog in quite a long time, I want to celebrate my happiness and joy.  Spring is almost here, I can smell it in the air, the trees are starting to look a little different, like they are gearing up for the new season and  my mind has finally returned to what I love, new again also.    I am, busily restocking my shelves with fragrant soaps, creams, lotions ointments, teas, seasonings and planning new products.  Plans are in the works to enlarge the farm gate shop and be open more through the season.

The time has come to sort through my seeds and get the tomatoes and peppers started for planting in May.  I will be selling some of my heirloom tomato, lettuce and pepper plants as well as some culinary and tea herbs beginning in early May.   Along side the fresh herbs, asparagus. rhubarb lettuce, tomatoes, peppers and flowers I grow myself, other fresh produce, including strawberries and raspberries and sweet corn will be available from other local farms.

Starting plants from seeds is fun and easy.  You don't need special containers, ice cream, yogurt, salad containers and even egg cartons can do for a start.  You will need a good growing medium and seed starting soil is available everywhere just about now.  Some seeds need sun and heat to germinate, others require indirect light or even darkness.  Check the back of your seed envelopes.

I order seeds from two companies in particular if I haven't saved them myself.  They both ship all over the world and I have had great success with both seeds and plants.  They both also have terrific web sites with easy ordering and payment options

Richter's Herbs,  Goodwood Ontario, www.Richters.com
- medicinal, culinary and unusual herbs and produce, seeds and plants

The Cottage Gardener, Cobourg, Ontario  www.thecottagegardener.ca
- heirloom, flowers, herbs, produce, seeds only 

In the next few days, I will be posting photos of some of my seed starting exploits as well as photos and stories of some of my favourite heirlooms.  Stay tuned!

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