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Friday, 17 May 2013

Opening weekend!!!!!

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

Mortgage Lifter

Paul Robeson
The store is finally open again!  After a very confusing Mother's Day weekend weather-wise ( we had everything!  High winds, rain, sleet, hail, and a snow storm),  Franklin Farm is open for another season.  Thursday thru Sunday and holiday Mondays, 10 - 6.  This year we open the season with a full shop of  herbal products, natural skin care, preserves, honey and of course the goat milk soaps.  BUT  we have also started over 14 varieties of heirloom tomatoes, from the large, beautiful and very old Cuostralee, a french market tomato to the Russian Paul Robeson, the Canadian Rideau and Scotia tomatoes to the American Mortgage Lifer.  All species have been chosen for their flavour, size, hardiness and productivity.  Believe me the Mortgage Lifter didn't get its name because it produces only a few large tomatoes per plant.  No, lots and it keeps on producing large tasty fruits right into the fall.

Also this year, lovely herb planters for yourself or as a hostess gift on your way up to a friend's cottage
The Scarborough Fair - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme.
The Fragrant Garden - Calendula, Lavender & Nasturium
The Chef's Garden - Basil, Oregano, Cilantro,  parsley
The Tea Garden - Lemon Verbenea Pinapple Sage and Lemon Balm

Chef's Garden

Tea Garden

Scarborough Fair

The decorative tin pail for the Fantastic Flame Lettuce is a nice gift that will provide a very colourful and tasty addition to your daily salad.  This lettuce will last throughout the summer if the leaves are picked often.  It can be left in the pot or replanted in the garden.

That's all for today, next planting the square foots, the herb gardens, the tomato garden.  Remember, when planting something new;  dig a hole deep enough to fit the pot, whack off all the extra root gathered at the bottom of the plant pot, throw some pooh in there followed by a little dirt, then the plant then more dirt, press down firmly and water.  Don't look at it again for 2 days.

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