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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

GARDENSIDE! Finally! This Week - Square Foot Gardening, The Basics

"We come from the earth, we return to the earth, and in between we garden."  unknown

Gardenside is a series of talks around the gardens at Franklin Farm Herbals.  The first in the series is Wednesday, June 5 at 7 pm.  Bring a chair if you need one and bug spray.

This is how my my square foot gardens look at the beginning of the season
This is how my square foot gardens look by the end of July

I have experimented with this gardening method for several years and have to say it is a very effective way to produce a lot of produce in a limited area.

If you are interested in intensive gardening methods, companion planting, how to get the most out of a small garden area, how to mix your own rich soil,or just curious about this method of gardening please join us for Gardenside!

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