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Sunday, 7 September 2014

Jill's Plum Butter

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      Plum Butter, sweet and tangy with a hint of orange and cinnamon.  Butters are time consuming to make but generally have less sugar, a beautiful velvety texture and an amazing rich fragrance that will fill your home as it cooks down.   I know this is a herb blog, by definition any living plant or fruit that brings good health to your body or mind is a herb!

Jill's Yummy Plummy Butter
Step 1
About 40 plums, all one variety or mixed, I use red, purple and sweet little yellow sugar plums, equal amounts.  Leave on skins which disintegrate during cooking, pit and cut into pieces.  Place in a large pot, add one large orange quartered and one stick cinnamon plus 1 cup water.  Bring to a boil stirring often, simmer 15 minutes continuing to stir, remove from heat, cover and let sit 2 hours or over night.

Step 2

Remove orange and cinnamon stick, purée plums in blender, measure.  For each cup plum purée add 3/4 cup sugar.  Combine and place in slow cooker on low with lid tipped slightly so steam can escape.
Stir every couple of hours until purée is very thick.  When you put a spoonful on a plate and water does not separate out in about a. Minute, the butter is ready to jar and process.  You can leave this while it simmers down, it may take 6-8 hours

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