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Saturday, 13 September 2014

Hot Pepper Sauce

I am not a huge fan of burn the top off your tongue pepper sauce.  I prefer a medium hot, mellow, vaguely sweet flavourful pepper sauce that enhances enjoyment of a dish be it eggs or spaghetti sauce.  The following a a basic recipe that can be adjusted to your own taste or what you harvest from your garden

3 1/2 cups mixed peppers, I use 1/3 sweet mild peppers and 2/3 hot peppers, cut into slices wearing gloves and using scissors.

4 cloves garlic
3/4 cup coarse salt, sea is good
1/4 cup sugar
1 tbls peppercorns
Place in large pot nod add white vinager to cover

Bring to a slow boil and simmer for 15 minutes, remove from heat,cover and let sit until cool .
Purée in food processor, pour into clean jar, let sit 30 days, stirring or shaking daily.  Strain and then filter through coffee filters or cheese cloth.  Bottle

* the more red peppers the redder the sauce will be
**. Apple cider vinager can be used
*** remove the top stem of the pepper but leave the seeds and core, it will thicken the sauce.

This is mine, I will strain and filter it late October.

1 comment:

Suzanne @KawarthaMums said...

Mmm Sounds delicious ! I like to sprinkle hot sace on pizza. It's a habit I picked up in Italy.